what you can do
The cost of higher education in universities and professional colleges is too high for many families in Tamil Nadu. The application fee alone is about CHF 30 (about 2’000 Indian Rupees), which is unaffordable for the 30%-45% of people living beneath the official poverty line in this region.
If you wish to support one student in particular and follow his or her progress, please let us know and we will work with you to identify him or her and determine the options based on your budget. We can also help you organize a visit to Tamil Nadu to meet your beneficiary; in fact, we strongly encourage all our donors to do this!
Your donation will send more deserving students to the university, primary/high school or community college, and will fund the other critically important services we offer (continuous counselling, secure housing, regular meals and basic healthcare).

your generosity can
make a very
significant difference

your impact
CHF 500.—
With CHF 500.—, you can send a student to school, technical college or university for a full year. This includes the application fee, tuition fees and other basic expenses such as study books, the school uniform, medical care and public transportation.
CHF 1’000.—
An additional CHF 1’000.— per year will enable the student to reside in a school hostel, providing the safe and stable environment that he or she may not have at home or on the streets.
CHF 1’500.—
CHF 1’500.— per year of study will have a life-changing impact on the beneficiary! The courses (bachelor’s degrees and others) have varying durations, ranging from 2 to 4 years, and are structured to give students very high chances of immediate employment upon graduation.
your support